Barcelona, november 30th, 2021. The Cultural Association for the Spreading of the Art of Lacquer (ACCAL) has organised the exhibition of ‘THE ART OF URUSHI. Materials, technique and design’, which is being opened today and can be visited from Nov. 30th to Dec.15th at the NOMON centre of Barcelona, only a stone throw from the Sagrada Família.

About 40 decorative pieces and 25 pieces of jewellery are to be seen at the exhibition, all of them created with the art of lacquer. The techniques used with the pieces on show are very diverse and have been created with the different personal styles of their authors, a total of 11 artists of the lacquer technique and members of the ACCAL. They all work with the thousand-year-old technique of the urushi, except for one of them who contributes to the exhibition with 3 pieces of ‘cashew’ lacquer.

Thanks to the privileged location of the gallery, which is very close to the temple of La Sagrada Familia, and the fact that this exhibition is timed to coincide with one of the most popular Christmas fairs in Barcelona allow us to expect to attract a high turnout, thus helping us spread such a minority technique.

This exhibition is one of the activities for the spreading of this kind of art organised by ACCAL within the programme of activities carried out thanks to the support of the JEC FUND GRANT.